2 days ago when formally we received the key to enter to our new house! Isn't it interesting! Finally much bigger space, cosy and yes.. it came with big backyard garden too. Quickly after the key handed to me, decided to revisit the house again.It is a really beautiful garden. Most of the flowers there are naturally grown without any pot needed. This time is also my concern to test the power of this garden for little photo shoot on my little simple do of my outfit.. Thank god finally! Amin.So, we are really looking forward for the new chapter of our life.
2 hari lepas bila secara rasminya kiteorang dapat kunci rumah baru kami. Wahh syok gila.. Akhirnya dapat jugak, lebih besar, banyak bilik jugak lagi selesa untuk di duduki. Juga ada taman kat belakang. Cepat cepat bila kunci dah dapat kat tangan, amik keputusan dtg balik ke sana. tengok Kebun Dgn taman belakang rumah tu. Besar plak tu, pastu bunga bunga semua walaupun tak ade orang jaga tapi membiak secara semula jadi. tak payah guna pasu bunga pun. Kali ni gak la hehehe nak test power taman ni untuk amik gambar saya punya pakaian yang saya pakai hari tu.. Terima kasih pada Allah rezeki kami sekeluarga. Syukur sangat sangat.
P/S : sorry tak dapat amik gambar dekat semua area. Nati gmbr yg bunga2 kat Kebun ni i upload nati ek.. K bai!
Ive worn
Crop Sweater : cotton on
Spagethi shirt : pimkie
Denim : zara
Tote : Micheal Kors
Sneakers : Nike AF1