As you know one of the hottest trend for sneakers at the moment is the Adidas Superstar. I wanted to write about this article a while ago. Actually it was my belated birthday gift from my husband I received 2 weeks ago . At first I wanted to buy Nike Air max or even New Balance through online purchase. Sadly I couldn't because there are no size available for me. Especially in Europe, to much demand on sneakers compared to heels, pumps, stiletto and etc. For me, sneakers are just made for comfort and especially me having my little girl running around during our outing time it hard to keep myself on heel. There are no any single regret of me buying this pair because knowing myself, I am a sneakerholic. Many kind of edition in Superstar but I choose in white colour with a layered of fake snake skin on the black color line.
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Thursday, November 5, 2015
Hello everyone,
As you know one of the hottest trend for sneakers at the moment is the Adidas Superstar. I wanted to write about this article a while ago. Actually it was my belated birthday gift from my husband I received 2 weeks ago . At first I wanted to buy Nike Air max or even New Balance through online purchase. Sadly I couldn't because there are no size available for me. Especially in Europe, to much demand on sneakers compared to heels, pumps, stiletto and etc. For me, sneakers are just made for comfort and especially me having my little girl running around during our outing time it hard to keep myself on heel. There are no any single regret of me buying this pair because knowing myself, I am a sneakerholic. Many kind of edition in Superstar but I choose in white colour with a layered of fake snake skin on the black color line.
As you know one of the hottest trend for sneakers at the moment is the Adidas Superstar. I wanted to write about this article a while ago. Actually it was my belated birthday gift from my husband I received 2 weeks ago . At first I wanted to buy Nike Air max or even New Balance through online purchase. Sadly I couldn't because there are no size available for me. Especially in Europe, to much demand on sneakers compared to heels, pumps, stiletto and etc. For me, sneakers are just made for comfort and especially me having my little girl running around during our outing time it hard to keep myself on heel. There are no any single regret of me buying this pair because knowing myself, I am a sneakerholic. Many kind of edition in Superstar but I choose in white colour with a layered of fake snake skin on the black color line.